Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Monday, February 4, 2013

What a busy weekend! There was Ground Hog Day, a special day to be certain, hehe. And then there was Super Bowl Sunday. The commercials are always the best part and usually the only part I watch not being a football fan. So what did I do all this festive weekend you ask? Well, thanks for asking. I sewed brides maid dresses. They are a vintage Vogue pattern in red satin. The fabric is just beautiful and the dresses should be lovely. (as long as I don't make any mistakes)  Two are ready for fitting and one more to go. I have to admit I feel the need to get them done not so much for the bride but so I can get back to my quilting projects! Is that bad of me?

I received some quilty love in the mail and I just have to share it with you. This mug organizer is made to perfection and so cute! Check out her site and leave her some bloggy love.

Hope you have a lovely quilty day! Tomorrow a give-away, see you here!


1 comment:

  1. SUper cute! Love the bee fabric :-)

    Can't wait to close my shop down and visit y'all!


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