Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quilt buds and the ugly quilt saga

Yesterday, my quilty friends and I had a stay-retreat, if that is a word/phrase. We had breakfast together and then quilted from 9am to 9pm. We ate so much wonderful food, were blessed by such generousity and enjoyed each others company. It was a wonderful day/evening. I look forward to our next one. Normally we meet each Friday to quilt together and have lunch which we take turns providing. We are together for four to five hours each Friday. If you do not have a quilt group, I high recommend putting one together.

I worked on the pattern "Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go." I completed ten of the twelve blocks. I already have completed the stitchery scenes. I also made quite a few flying geese blocks for this as well. I will post the completed quilt soon.

The saga of the Ugly Quilt has come to a close. If you recall, I was making a quilt for my granddaughter and I woke up in the middle of the night and thought, that thing is just plain ugly. It is still not my favorite but I have finished it with some changes to make it acceptable. Here are the before and after pictures.
So what do you think? I know my ten month old granddaughter does not care and it is soft and cuddly. I am going to make her another one soon that is one that I hope I will like better.
Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you get to have some stitching time.


  1. I think a 10 month old will love the textures you added for her to explore, but she would have been happy being wrapped in your bright softness no matter what!

    1. Hi Sharon,
      Thanks for the kind words. Well I hope she likes it but at the moment I have no idea. Guess I should ask.
      Blessings, Susan

  2. I think your quilt is cute!!!

    I would love to have a quilting club. I have been toying with the idea lately.

    1. Thanks Amy, I love my quilt group and I highly recommend finding a group of ladies that are like minded. Susan


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