excited to visit the wonderful blogs out there. It's time to make some
new friends and reconnect with others.

I am so glad to be back to blogging again. Thank you to all who have been patient with my quiet blog. Last year was a difficult one with a young daughter being diagnosed with
cancer. She is doing well and we are looking forward to the day she is cancer free.
On to more fun things. I have been quilting this year and its been fun. So I am going to ask y'all, what do you enjoy most about your craft, whatever it is? I would love to hear from many different types of crafters, quilters, painters, and more!
I personally love to paint, sew, quilt, and garden. Not in that order. Life usually determines what I get to do. Painting is too messy with lots of little people around, gardening is fun with littles, (we just dug up the potatoes we planted last summer, it was like a treasure hunt!) , sewing is good, the granddaughters want dresses faster than I can make them, and quilting makes me calm. One day I will get some painting done. I have a little rocker that is crying out for some chalk paint.
I have three patterns to give away so if you answer the above
question, I will include you in the drawing for one of the patterns. You don't have to be a follower to be one of the three winners but I would love it if you did. I will send them anywhere as well.
A big thank you to 2 Bags Full for hosting this party again!
Quilty Blessings to all,